Coyote Chronicles

  • Coyote Chronicles,  Mining Camps,  Nevada,  Storey County

    Savage Mining Company Office and Mine/Mill

    Virginia City, Nevada This magnificent 21-room Second Empire style building was constructed by the Savage Mining Company in 1861. The ornate building is an excellent example of the architectural elegance associated with the offices and residences of the mining elite. The top two floors of the building served as the mine superintendent’s residence, while the ground floor was the mine office. The building has been restored with attention to its distinctive architectural features, such as the mansard roof, dormer windows and delicate gingerbread trim. The interior boasts 14-foot-high ceilings, a seven-foot copper bathtub, a Lincrista frieze in the main hallway and early Victorian furnishings. Ulysses S. Grant is said to…