Ghost Towns
Como, Nevada
June 2012 (Requested by Tami Force) The Ore Stamps and other parts of the mill were moved to Berlin State Park many years ago. From Wikipedia: Gold was found in the Pine Nut Mountains of western Nevada, and in June 1860, the Palmyra mining district was created. The town of Como was established in late 1862, during the gold rush in Palmyra Mining District. Two bills were under consideration in December, 1862, by the Nevada Territorial legislature in Carson City, to build a toll road from Carson City to Como. One of the bills was approved on December 18, 1862, providing an act chartering a toll road from Como to…
Donovan-Dazet-Jackson Stamp Mill
(1890) 30 stamp mill Silver City, NV Cynide process refinery and blacksmith shop. Being lovingly restored by the Comstock Foundation. Open to the public for tours! For tours contact: