Mineral County

  • Ghost Towns,  Mineral County,  Mining Camps,  Nevada

    Candelaria – Mineral County Nevada

    This is one of the easiest Ghost Towns to visit in Nevada. It is located of Highway 95 south of Mina and has a well marked sign directing you to the west on a paved road. Modern 1980’s mining still has buildings and offices for staff supervising ongoing restoration. Nearby is the old graveyard and a bit further the road becomes graded dirt which was the Main Street of Candelaria with ruins on both sides. The Jeep group I was with explored the area extensively and continued on the dirt road for 10 miles where it connects to highway 360. Candelaria was founded in 1864 when Mexican prospectors working the…

  • Ghost Towns,  Mineral County,  Mining Camps,  Nevada

    Belleville Mill-Mineral County Nevada

    Highway 360 Belleville was founded in 1873 or 1874 and its primary industry was the mill processing ore from the Northern Belle Mine at Candelaria. Its first bullion bar shipment of $9,200 was made in April 1875. The town was famed for a “Wild West” atmosphere; murders, drunken brawls, and “sporting” practical jokes were commonplace. When the Carson and Colorado Railroad reached the town in 1882 its population was 500, and the town was served by a doctor, assay office, express office, telegraph station, livery stable, school, two hotels, restaurants, and blacksmith shops as well as by seven saloons. The post office was in operation from December 1874 until 1894.…