
  • Ghost Towns,  Mining Camps,  Nevada,  Nye County,  Rails

    Rhyolite Railroad Depot – Las Vegas and Tonopah RR

    Rhyolite RR Depot Las Vegas and Tonopah RR 1906 Rhyolite, Nevada was founded in 1904 after Shorty Harris and Ed Cross discovered Gold in the Rhyolite Quartz at the Bullfrog mine. By 1906 the town had two railroad lines and a population of 10,000. The mines, however, did not produce as expected and by the early 1910s Rhyolite was abandoned. By 1914 only 25 residents lived there. Charles M. Schwab the Financier and father of present day investment company President and present day namesake. By 1906, Schwab had very seriously invested in what was happening in Rhyolite by purchasing the Montgomery Shoshone Mine. By 1906, Schwab had very seriously invested…